mercoledì 10 giugno 2015


I LOVE YOU Once upon a time, long ago, a great and powerful kingdom he ruled by a great king. Nine months after the wedding, the queen gave birth to the most beautiful baby that human being had ever seen. The prince had the appearance of an angel and as such had golden hair and eyes as blue as the sky. So parents, delighted with the splendor of his son, christened Unique ... because no child was as good as him. Years passed, and the prince grew and became a beautiful young man, but alas, only in love with himself. He loved looking in the mirror, wearing smart clothes and glitzy, ride proud of beautiful white horses. Every morning the prince Unico, rimirandosi said: "I love you, magnificent prince! You're the most beautiful of all ... the most fascinating ... the most extraordinary! I love you above everything and everyone! " So Unique, vain and superficial, he claimed that those same next to him, was worthy of her beauty. The servants, but also officials and friends ... everyone had to be beautiful and elegant. And every morning, adorandosi mirror, Unique kept repeating: "I love you, extraordinary young man. I love your beauty and nothing tarnish your happiness. " When Prince performed the majority age, the parents told him it was time to get married, to give an heir to the throne. Only he agreed but on the condition that the bride was beautiful like him. So they called together all the princesses of the most beautiful and fascinating world and the prince chose a beautiful girl of eighteen. The wedding was celebrated with all the pomp possible and everything seemed to be going well. Unique in his life but he loved only her beauty and not stand ugly people. A witch, tired of hearing every day in the mirror say that he loved her, threw a curse: on that day the prince would have seen all the bad people ... even his wife and parents. Any living being, in his eyes, it would have been horrible. Horrible and scary. So the next day he found himself in the Act read a terrific girl. With stringy hair, warts, nose and toothless hunchback. Bony curve ... but really it was the beautiful young wife. Prince shouted like a madman, scared angry, and ran away from the room, but everyone he met in the corridors, in the rooms, by the servants dignitaries and even his own parents, had all the appearance of monsters. People ugly and horrifying. So Unique ran away, she convinced that the world was prey to a curse, and took refuge in a desert. Years passed, and his wife ruled the kingdom for him. Prince passed instead his life alone, hidden in a tent and in the company of his mirror and its image. She was afraid to meet any living being because his eyes would look ugly and ungainly. But her beauty withered soon, and in his last days alone the desert wind made him company.

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